Other Resources
Fias Co Farms has good information on the care of goats. They have full sized goats, but most of the information is applicable to Nigerian Dwarfs.
Understanding Dairy Goat Pedigrees - Explains the meaning behind the letters in a goat's pedigree, such as +B or *M.
Common Goat Related Acronyms - Helpful for new goat owners, but doesn't include FF, which means first freshener. If there is a number before an F, like 2F that means the number of freshenings that a doe has had (in this case it is her second freshening).
Fias Co Farms has good information on the care of goats. They have full sized goats, but most of the information is applicable to Nigerian Dwarfs.
Understanding Dairy Goat Pedigrees - Explains the meaning behind the letters in a goat's pedigree, such as +B or *M.
Common Goat Related Acronyms - Helpful for new goat owners, but doesn't include FF, which means first freshener. If there is a number before an F, like 2F that means the number of freshenings that a doe has had (in this case it is her second freshening).